Students Living in Milan

Review your rental agreement, report abuse or fraud, or ask for legal advice on a specific problem you are facing.

This platform is the result of StudMIHome research-action project.
It provides housing information and free legal support to empower students-tenants in Milan.

data estimated by MaudLab on MIUR database AA 2022/2023.

data estimated from StudMIHome 2024 survey on a sample of 4.709 answers.

data estimated from StudMIHome 2024 survey on a sample of 4.709 answers.

Property owners prefer to rent their homes on a short-term basis (6 months to 1 year) so they can increase the rent when the contract expires. However, the prices of short-term contracts (not AirBnB or hotels) are regulated by law. In the resources available on this site, you can find information about the different types of contracts in Italy, how to verify the price, and what to do if the landlord has made an agreement with you at an irregular rate.

According to our survey, about 63% of students have changed residences at least once during their studies. Nearly half of these changes were due to contract non-renewal.

If you missed our events:

Students Living in Case Milanesissime


27 April – 2 May 2024
spazioSERRA, Stazione Lancetti

Exposition curated by Alvar Aaltissimo and VuotoCollettivo.
Talk with Yousef Abuzeid, Manahil Huda, Pavithra Swaminathan.



18 April 2024
OffCampus NoLo, Viale Monza 54.

Talk with Carmelo Benenti, Chiediamo Casa, LatoB, Yousef Abuzeid, Nedžla Sferović.

Over to students!

Living in Milan through the eyes of students. Explore the projects!

Caro Affitto, ti progetto!
Dear Rent, I redesign you!
curated by VuotoCollettivo

5 projects: posters, games, fanzines, handbooks.

Case Milanesissime for Students.
curated by Alvar Aaltissimo

20 ironic apartment floor plans.